DoS And DDos and DRDoS

DoS & DDos and DRDoS these are the three things which is going to take mine and yours next 15 min . so what really DoS means ? what kind of shit it is ?
Well this is that shit which is now a days making a lot of mess even by the pros like ANONYMUS and believe me this is really and awesome trick if you want to take the target down .
So how does this thing is really done ? well this you will come to know very soon but hay its really very illegal so don’t you do it on a target which is having the power to take the shit out of you .
DoS( i.e Denial of service ) is a outcome of a stupid process which in which you ping to your target like hell and what this means is you are giving order to the server as if he is having millions of hands to do your work , but no in reality its not the thing . he can only process a certain amount of instruction only and pinging him with millions of instruction than think what the server will do ? he will for sure wont take the load and will eventually die and this is what you wanted to happen don’t you .
Great lots of shit done , Now its time to do it practically .
So what you need is the things with which you can ping to the bastard to whom you wana taste hell.
What annonimous does is they use the method of D DoS (i.e denial of service ) using a software named as LOW ORBIT ION CANNON in short LOIC
It looks like this

Now what you have to do is just fill the URL , the ip of the target and the method “BAM” that bastard is gone for sure .

Just for programming geeks this software is developed in .Net
And only you cannot make that bastard suffer hell what you have to do is just distribute it to as much fellow member of same objective and there you go, the target is gone
Estela vista baby
Just remember this is highly illegal and for sure detectable, so Think twice before doing it :!)@#$%


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